Bloggfærslur mánaðarins, mars 2009
Minni á þáttinn Í vikulokin á Útvarpi Sögu kl. 13 í dag
21.3.2009 | 12:03

I´ll never find another you
17.3.2009 | 18:58
There's a new world somewhere
They call The Promised Land
And I'll be there some day
If you will hold my hand
I still need you there beside me
No matter what I do
For I know I'll never find another you
There is always someone
For each of us they say
And you'll be my someone
For ever and a day
I could search the whole world over
Until my life is through
But I know I'll never find another you
It's a long, long journey
So stay by my side
When I walk through the storm
You'll be my guide, be my guide
If they gave me a fortune
My treasure would be small
I could lose it all tomorrow
And never mind at all
But if I should lose your love, dear
I don't know what I'll do
For I know I'll never find another you
But if I should lose your love, dear
I don't know what I'll do
For I know I'll never find another you
Another you, another you
Bloggfærslan er alfarið á ábyrgð skrifanda en endurspeglar ekki á neinn hátt skoðanir eða afstöðu, og Morgunblaðsins.
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Engin ástæða til breytinga
14.3.2009 | 19:32
það var tækifæri en... sumt fólk lærir aldrei. Reyndar er ekki öll nótt úti enn, en ég er ekki vonglaður á að niðurstaðan breytist mikið úr þessu.
Bloggfærslan er alfarið á ábyrgð skrifanda en endurspeglar ekki á neinn hátt skoðanir eða afstöðu, og Morgunblaðsins.
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