Ljóđ dagsins

Glad I´m not a Kennedy - Shoina Lang

Living on through politics
Body-guarded, heart in bits
A blue-eyed honesty
Indigo injury
The family tree is felled
Bereavement worn so well
Giving up on certainty
Wilderness society

Wearing the fame like a loaded gun
Tied up with a rosary
I'm glad I'm not a Kennedy

Imagine being a Kennedy
Rule without remedy
To watch your family die
The world loves a sacrifice
Prophets longing for the three
Honouring the tragedy
They hunger for the crime
The privilege to take a life

Wearing the fame like a loaded gun
Tied up with a rosary
Ooh, I'm glad I'm not a Kennedy

...and is not peace basically
A matter of human rights?
The right to live out our lives
Without fear of devastation?
The right to breathe air
As nature provided it?
The right of future generations
To a healthy existence?
Let us if we can step back from
The shadows of war and seek out
The way of peace...

I love the look in your eyes
I can see your soul sometimes and we laugh
When we try too hard we stop and start
Oh imagine being a Kennedy
I'm glad I'm not a Kennedy

Wearing the fame like a loaded gun
Tied up with a rosary
I'm glad I'm not a Kennedy

Imagine being a Kennedy
Ooh I'm glad I'm not a Kennedy

...the cost of freedom is always high,
Yet one path we shall never choose
- that is the path of surrender or submission.
When a man's way please the lord,
The scriptures tell us,
‘He maketh even his enemies
To be at peace with him'.
We will not prematurely or unnecessarily
Risk the course of worldwide nuclear war
In which even the fruits of victory
Would be ashes in our mouths
Ashes in our mouths...
Ashes in our mouths...
Ashes in our mouths...

Bloggfćrslan er alfariđ á ábyrgđ skrifanda en endurspeglar ekki á neinn hátt skođanir eđa afstöđu mbl.is, og Morgunblađsins.

mbl.is Kennedy í rannsóknum
Tilkynna um óviđeigandi tengingu viđ frétt

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1 Smámynd: S. Lúther Gestsson

Hvađa áhugi er ţetta allt í einu af ljóđum? Ég hef orđiđ töluverđar áhyggjur af ţessu Krúsi minn.

S. Lúther Gestsson, 17.5.2008 kl. 22:06

2 Smámynd: Markús frá Djúpalćk

Eđlilegt áhyggjuefni

Markús frá Djúpalćk, 17.5.2008 kl. 22:23

3 Smámynd: Steingrímur Helgason

Post 80'tís nostalgía á ferđ.

Mér líkar, mér líkar...

Steingrímur Helgason, 18.5.2008 kl. 00:45

4 Smámynd: Helga Guđrún Eiríksdóttir

I like... - I love ...

Helga Guđrún Eiríksdóttir, 18.5.2008 kl. 01:10

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