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REO_Speedwagon_Fire_TruckTake it on the run - REO Speedwagon

Heard it from a friend who
Heard it from a friend who
Heard it from another you been messin around
They say you got a boy friend
Youre out late every weekend
Theyre talkin about you and its bringin me down

But I know the neighborhood
And talk is cheap when the story is good
And the tales grow taller on down the line
But Im telling you, babe
That I dont think its true, babe
And even if it is keep this in mind

You take it on the run baby
If thats the way you want it baby
Then I dont want you around
I dont believe it
Not for a minute
Youre under the gun so you take it on the run

Youre thinking up your white lies
Youre putting on your bedroom eyes
You say youre coming home but you wont say when
But I can feel it coming
If you leave tonight keep running
And you need never look back again

Heard it from a friend who
Heard it from a friend who
Heard it from another you been messin around

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