Ljóð dagsins
30.5.2008 | 14:12
Fly on the wings of love
Fly on the wings of love
Fly baby fly
Reaching the stars above
Touching the sky
Maybe it is mine
Fly on the wings of love
Reaching the stars above
Touching the sky
In the summer night
When the moon shines bright
Feeling love forever
And the heat is on
When the daylight is gone
Still - happy together
There is just one more thing I would like to add
He's the greatest love I've ever had
Fly on the wings of love
Fly baby fly
Reaching the stars above
Touching the sky
And as time goes by
There is a lot to try
And I'm feeling lucky oooh yeah
In the softest sand
Smiling hand in hand
Love is all around me
There's just one more thing I would like to add
He's the greatest love I've ever had
Fly on the wings of love
Fly baby fly
Reaching the stars above
Touching the sky.
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Flugdólgur í vél með íslenskum þingmanni |
Tilkynna um óviðeigandi tengingu við frétt |
Rosalega er þetta nú leiðinlegt lag!!!
Takk fyrir að minna mig á það... fjúfff
Þórður Helgi Þórðarson, 30.5.2008 kl. 15:09
Jenný Anna Baldursdóttir, 30.5.2008 kl. 17:15
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